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  • The Classic | Black Onyx • 黑瑪瑙
    Gemstone: Premium Natural 5A 天然 級品 | Black Onyx 黑瑪瑙 Bead Size: 8 MM | 10 MM Charm: Silver | Gold | Rose Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Black Onyx is a powerful protection stone, it absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina. Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. Banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making. 黑玛瑙可消除恐惧,让人有安全感。 可辟邪并防止低灵及负能量的侵扰,亦可将黑魔法及恶咒等负能量全全数反弹回原施加者。 是居家、事业防护的宝石。 可增加人对事物的宏观,尤其是在开创未来时,不会失了分寸及目标,并且使人在置身处地时不会失去立场。
  • The Classic | Cinnabar • 硃砂石
    HEALING BRACELET ♡ THE CLASSIC | COLLECTION Gemstone: Premium Natural 5A 天然 級品 | Cinnabar 硃砂石 Bead Size: 8 MM | 10 MM Charm: Silver | Gold | Rose Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cinnabar is collected from the veins of the Sun and Moon essence, absorbing the righteousness of the heavens and earth, and therefore has a very strong magnetic field. Cinnabar feels warm - which is different from Jade and Dzi beads - that feels cold with touch. In other words, Cinnabar has a magnetic field with a strong yang energy. Cinnabar is used to ward off evil spirits, and works well in praying for wealth. Cinnabar helps to calm the mind, which is suitable for uneasiness, such as anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, epilepsy and other symptoms. It also helps in clearing heat as well as detoxify, treating inflammation such as sore throat etc.
    硃砂石是经由日月精华的矿脉中采集,因吸收天地之正气,所以带有极强的磁场。 朱砂不同于玉石、天珠握在手里是冰凉的感觉,它握在手心里是温暖的,也就是说,朱砂是带有极强阳气的磁场。 硃砂石用于开光、辟邪、镇煞等、和祈福纳财的吉祥物极品。硃砂石可镇心安神,適用于神志不安,心悸怔忡,失眠,惊痫等症。能镇定心神,适用于各种神志不安的病症。如心火亢盛、心烦不寐。硃砂石也可清热解毒,適于疮毒肿痛,口舌生疮,咽喉肿痛等症。具有解毒功能,治疗口舌生疮、咽喉肿痛等症。
  • The Classic | Fantasy Amethyst • 夢幻紫晶
    HEALING BRACELET ♡ THE CLASSIC | COLLECTION Gemstone: Premium Natural 3A 天然 正品 | Fantasy Amethyst 夢幻紫晶 Bead Size: 8 MM | 10 MM Charm: Silver | Gold | Rose Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments and emotional issues. It symbolizes tranquility and safety. Amethyst is said to bring inspiration and wisdom, as well as a symbol of love, promoting kinship and heterosexuality. Amethyst crystal therapies are primarily associated with physical ailments of the nervous system, the curing of nightmares and insomnia, and balancing the crown chakra. 紫水晶象征着宁静安全,紫水晶据说是能够带来灵感和智慧,它的另一个寓意就是象征爱情,进一步说就是增进人缘及异性缘,总结起来可以用神秘、浪漫、高雅来形容它。 紫水晶神秘而浪漫,是唯一紫色系的宝石,其色泽由浅紫色到深紫色各有不同。 紫色的频率对应顶轮,有镇定安神功效,精纯、细致、绵密的能量让人如沐春风。
  • The Classic | Labradorite • 拉長石
    HEALING BRACELET ♡ THE CLASSIC | COLLECTION Gemstone: Premium Natural 5A 天然 級品 | Labradorite 拉長石 Bead Size: 8 MM Charm: Silver | Gold | Rose Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Labradorite calm, firm, long wavelength energy characteristics can help to ease fatigue, enhance vitality and physical strength, as well as endurance. Ideal for those who work long hours. Labradorite helps to enhance perspective of things, insight, and be unaffected by appearance of things. 拉長石沉穩、堅定、長波長的能量特性,對於容易疲勞、經常體力不濟者,有助於加強生命力,增進體力、耐力。對於經常需要加班者,可以佩戴拉長石,有助於在不知不覺中補充體力,不易疲勞。拉長石有助於提高周身頻率,加強對事物的透視力、洞察力,免於被事物的表象所迷惑。
  • The Classic | Matte Black Onyx • 磨砂 黑瑪瑙
    HEALING BRACELET ♡ THE CLASSIC | COLLECTION Gemstone: Premium Natural 5A 天然 級品 | Matte Black Onyx 磨砂 黑瑪瑙 Bead Size: 8 MM | 10 MM Charm: Silver | Gold | Rose Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Black Onyx is a powerful protection stone, it absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina. Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. Banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making. 黑玛瑙可消除恐惧,让人有安全感。 可辟邪并防止低灵及负能量的侵扰,亦可将黑魔法及恶咒等负能量全全数反弹回原施加者。 是居家、事业防护的宝石。 可增加人对事物的宏观,尤其是在开创未来时,不会失了分寸及目标,并且使人在置身处地时不会失去立场。
  • The Classic | Smoky Quartz • 茶晶
    HEALING BRACELET ♡ THE CLASSIC | COLLECTION Gemstone: Premium Natural 5A 天然 級品 | Smoky Quartz 茶水晶 Bead Size: 8 MM | 10 MM Charm: Silver | Gold | Rose Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Smoky Quartz has a special stabilizing and balancing effect. It stabilizes temper-prone, nervous, or over-active people. Smoky Quartz helps to properly analyze and make appropriate decisions in complex relationships and situations. 茶水晶有特殊稳定及平衡的作用,对于脾气容易暴躁、神经质或过于好动的人皆有稳定的作用,并且能协助在复杂的人际关系及状况中,妥善分析并做出适当决策。
  • The Classic | Strawberry Quartz • 草莓晶
    HEALING BRACELET ♡ THE CLASSIC | COLLECTION Gemstone: Premium Natural 5A 天然 級品 | Strawberry Quartz 草莓晶 Bead Size: 8MM Charm: Rose Gold | Silver | Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Strawberry Quartz helps to enhance love and interpersonal relationships, increases charisma, enhances friendship and harmony. Strawberry Quartz also helps to keep thoughts clear as well as calming emotions for mind of peace. 草莓晶有助于提升爱情运势与人际关系,增加个人魅力、增进人际关系的美好圆融、和谐友善。草莓晶也能让思考变得更清晰及令心境平和安详。
  • The Element | Lapis Lazuli • 青金石
    HEALING BRACELET ♡ Gemstone: Premium Natural 5A
    • Lapis Lazuli 青金石
    • Matte Black Onyx 磨砂 黑瑪瑙
    Bead Size: 10 MM Charm: Silver | Gold | Rose Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing spirituality and intellectual ability. It helps to calm the mind, stabilise mood and eliminate irritability, promoting good sleep. Lapis Lazuli is good for health and protection - especially for children in safety and development. 青金石可以提升灵性,平稳心态,护身辟邪。常戴可保佑平安健康,无病无灾,也可帮助催眠及深层的冥想,增强观察洞察力,激起人高贵清新、温文儒雅的气质情操。佩带青金石能使心情稳定,消除烦躁不安。小朋友佩带可保平安健康,促进发育。 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Black Onyx is a powerful protection stone, it absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina. Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. Banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making. 黑玛瑙可消除恐惧,让人有安全感。 可辟邪并防止低灵及负能量的侵扰,亦可将黑魔法及恶咒等负能量全全数反弹回原施加者。 是居家、事业防护的宝石。 可增加人对事物的宏观,尤其是在开创未来时,不会失了分寸及目标,并且使人在置身处地时不会失去立场。
  • The Element | Moonstone • 月光石
    HEALING BRACELET ♡ Gemstone: Premium Natural 5A
    • Moonstone 月光石
    • Matte Black Onyx 磨砂 黑瑪瑙
    Bead Size: 10 MM Charm: Silver | Gold | Rose Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Moonstone brings soothing, healing calm energy and helps regain back your power and inner balance. It brings insights into the powerful mysteries of true female power and the essence of all healing. Moonstone promotes clarity of the mind and inner vision, keeping one focused while in a meditative or altered state of awareness. It is particularly helpful in seeing emotional patterns and life lessons, and in balancing yin and yang energies. 月光石的靈性,能改變人的飲食習慣,達到減肥效果,可助人安然入睡,改善皮膚,有美容功效,亦是愛情之石。 月光石可幫助調和個性,預防疾病。性格剛烈,暴躁,衝動的朋友,可調和個性。 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Black Onyx is a powerful protection stone, it absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina. Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. Banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making. 黑玛瑙可消除恐惧,让人有安全感。 可辟邪并防止低灵及负能量的侵扰,亦可将黑魔法及恶咒等负能量全全数反弹回原施加者。 是居家、事业防护的宝石。 可增加人对事物的宏观,尤其是在开创未来时,不会失了分寸及目标,并且使人在置身处地时不会失去立场。
  • The Sanative | Aquamarine • 海藍寶
    HEALING BRACELET ♡ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗩𝗘 | 𝗖𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 Gemstone: Premium Natural 5A 天然 級品
    • Aquamarine 海藍寶
    • Lava Stone 火山石
    • Matte Black Onyx 磨砂 黑瑪瑙
    Bead Size: 8 MM | 10 MM Charm: 925 Sterling Silver | 18K Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Aquamarine is the stone of courage, symbolizes calmness, bravery and happiness, helps in building confidence. Aquamarine is an emotional stabilizer that regulates mood, dissipates emotions of anger, fear and anxiety, removes sadness and depression. The calm magnetic field of Aquamarine can help in sleeping and relieves nightmare. Aquamarine helps to boost brain energy, restoring fresh thinking and enhancing alertness. Aquamarine corresponds to the throat wheel, helps individuals in expression, perception and health associating with throat and lymphatic system. 海蓝宝石稱為“勇敢者之石”,象征沉着、勇敢和聪明,是幸福和永保青春的标志。海蓝宝石助坚定信心,加强自信的功能。 海蓝宝是情绪的稳定剂,可调节心情,驱散愤怒、恐惧、焦虑的情绪,并且消除悲伤和抑郁,让整个人平静起来。海蓝宝的平静磁场可以帮助失眠和多梦者安然入睡,抑制噩梦的发生。 海蓝宝有助于净化脑部能量,恢复清新思考,增进觉知及灵通的能力。 海蓝宝相应人体七轮中的「喉轮」,能帮助个人的表达能力、语言能力、领悟力和喉部健康及平衡淋巴系统的作用等。 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lava Stone can improve blood circulation, regulate the digestive system, burn excess fat, and detoxify as well as strengthening the body. Lava Stone contains elements and minerals, helps to enhance physical fitness. It has water characteristics, improving intelligence and flexibility. Well behaviour, strong learning ability, good adaptability. Lava Stone can help to strengthen affinity, being able to respond flexibly and being exquisite, helping to promote business and improves work performance. 火山石能打通堵塞的血液、调治消化系统、燃烧多余脂肪,起到排毒养颜强身健体的功效。 火山石含有大量的微量元素与矿物质,经常佩戴火山石饰品能起到增强体质的作用。 可以感染水的特性,聪明、靈活、乖巧、学习力强、适应力佳。 火山石可强化亲和力,能够靈活应变,八面玲珑,有助于推广业务,提升业绩。 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Black Onyx is a powerful protection stone, it absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina. Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. Banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making. 黑玛瑙可消除恐惧,让人有安全感。 可辟邪并防止低灵及负能量的侵扰,亦可将黑魔法及恶咒等负能量全全数反弹回原施加者。 是居家、事业防护的宝石。 可增加人对事物的宏观,尤其是在开创未来时,不会失了分寸及目标,并且使人在置身处地时不会失去立场。
  • The Sanative | Howlite • 白松石
    HEALING BRACELET ♡ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗩𝗘 | 𝗖𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 Gemstone: Premium Natural 5A 天然 級品
    • Howlite 白松石
    • Lava Stone 火山石
    • Matte Black Onyx 磨砂 黑瑪瑙
    Bead Size: 8 MM | 10 MM Charm: 925 Sterling Silver | 18K Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Howlite has the effect warding off evil spirits. It can also protect wealth, as well as wealth fetching. In addition, Howlite can also be worn for protection, boosts health and peace. 白松石具有镇宅、辟邪挡煞的的功效。还可保护财富、聚财旺财,兴旺门户。另外,白松石也可作为护身符、平安符佩戴,使您逢凶化吉,防治邪气、煞气的骚扰,保佑您诸事平安顺利,身体健康心情愉悦。 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lava Stone can improve blood circulation, regulate the digestive system, burn excess fat, and detoxify as well as strengthening the body. Lava Stone contains elements and minerals, helps to enhance physical fitness. It has water characteristics, improving intelligence and flexibility. Well behaviour, strong learning ability, good adaptability. Lava Stone can help to strengthen affinity, being able to respond flexibly and being exquisite, helping to promote business and improves work performance. 火山石能打通堵塞的血液、调治消化系统、燃烧多余脂肪,起到排毒养颜强身健体的功效。 火山石含有大量的微量元素与矿物质,经常佩戴火山石饰品能起到增强体质的作用。 可以感染水的特性,聪明、靈活、乖巧、学习力强、适应力佳。 火山石可强化亲和力,能够靈活应变,八面玲珑,有助于推广业务,提升业绩。 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Black Onyx is a powerful protection stone, it absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina. Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. Banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making. 黑玛瑙可消除恐惧,让人有安全感。 可辟邪并防止低灵及负能量的侵扰,亦可将黑魔法及恶咒等负能量全全数反弹回原施加者。 是居家、事业防护的宝石。 可增加人对事物的宏观,尤其是在开创未来时,不会失了分寸及目标,并且使人在置身处地时不会失去立场。
  • The Sanative | Strawberry Quartz • 草莓晶
    HEALING BRACELET ♡ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗩𝗘 | 𝗖𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 Gemstone: Premium Natural 5A 天然 級品
    • Strawberry Quartz 草莓晶
    • Lava Stone 火山石
    • Matte Black Onyx 磨砂 黑瑪瑙
    Bead Size: 8 MM Charm: 925 Sterling Silver | 18K Gold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Strawberry Quartz helps to enhance love and interpersonal relationships, increases charisma, enhances friendship and harmony. Strawberry Quartz also helps to keep thoughts clear as well as calming emotions for mind of peace. 草莓晶有助于提升爱情运势与人际关系,增加个人魅力、增进人际关系的美好圆融、和谐友善。草莓晶也能让思考变得更清晰及令心境平和安详。 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lava Stone can improve blood circulation, regulate the digestive system, burn excess fat, and detoxify as well as strengthening the body. Lava Stone contains elements and minerals, helps to enhance physical fitness. It has water characteristics, improving intelligence and flexibility. Well behaviour, strong learning ability, good adaptability. Lava Stone can help to strengthen affinity, being able to respond flexibly and being exquisite, helping to promote business and improves work performance. 火山石能打通堵塞的血液、调治消化系统、燃烧多余脂肪,起到排毒养颜强身健体的功效。 火山石含有大量的微量元素与矿物质,经常佩戴火山石饰品能起到增强体质的作用。 可以感染水的特性,聪明、靈活、乖巧、学习力强、适应力佳。 火山石可强化亲和力,能够靈活应变,八面玲珑,有助于推广业务,提升业绩。 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Black Onyx is a powerful protection stone, it absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina. Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. Banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making. 黑玛瑙可消除恐惧,让人有安全感。 可辟邪并防止低灵及负能量的侵扰,亦可将黑魔法及恶咒等负能量全全数反弹回原施加者。 是居家、事业防护的宝石。 可增加人对事物的宏观,尤其是在开创未来时,不会失了分寸及目标,并且使人在置身处地时不会失去立场。